Shunryu Suzuki Offline Archive

— December 2016 —

from around
and dc computer

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Heart Sutra cards from early Sokoji - two sided one page and four sided two page. And some other Heart Sutra and other sutra images.


Sokoji mon - emblem

Soko stands for San Francisco

and ji means temple















Sokoji temple seal
and standard kanji





Wonder who did this. Maybe Hoitsu Suzuki.













Mitsu - sumi kanji above - New Year's card below

All Wind Bells

Tozen Akiyama kindly translated it as 


"I wish you Happy New Year," literally, "I respectfully say the joy/delight of the beginning spring."


Hatsuharu no 




Gantan Mitsu Gassho


This was sent before the conventional Western New Year. In Japan they use the new calendar and the old calendar for different purposes. They have a way of not erasing the old when they add the new. The traditional New Year in Japan, China, and all Asia I guess, is early February, the beginning of spring, the traditional seasons beginning about six weeks earlier than in the West, when there's a hint of the season. Sort of like Groundhog Day being the hint of spring. - dc

Mitsu Suzuki cuke page



Given to Christina Huggins and David Cohen by Silas Hoadley after he performed their wedding ceremony using language he'd learned from Suzuki.



Calligraphy for Silas Hoadley





   Eiheiji mon     Sojiji mon



Kobun Chino and Katrin Otogawa's jointly calligraphed character for shine, hikari, for To Shine One Corner of the World: Moments with Shunryu Suzuki (now Zen is Right Here: Anecdotes and Teaching Stories from Shunryu Suzuki)






Three by Kishizawa Ian, Suzuki's 2nd teacher





Two by Oka Sotan, Kishizawa's teacher

See Ancestors page

these sumie from the great Terebess Buddhist site in Hungary

  Tassajara han









  Tassajara bath chant


(displayed at bathhouse)



Bath Entering Verse {nyūyoku no ge 入浴偈} 
Bathing the body, {moku yoku shin tai 沐浴身体}
may all living beings {tō gan shu jō 当願衆生}
wash body and mind free from dust, {shin jin mu ku 身心無垢}
pure and shining within and without. {nai gai kō ketsu 内外光潔}

from Terebess



Poster for Gary Snyder benefit poetry reading for Tassajara Zen Mountain Center fundraising drive.

















Zenefit poster above and handbill below






from 1967 - thanks Bob Watkins


















A promotional drawing of Tassajara from 1949 or earlier.


















Tassajara gate

Recent sign


photo from this blog with other pics and comments




below - sign in 1968




Petroglyph hands at caves near Church Creek Ranch near Tassajara

See page on Esselen Indians for more on these hands.









Another Tassajara

6100 Tassajara Rd
Dublin, CA 94568

Always wanted to know where they got that name. - dc










Green Gulch bell





Chogyam Trungpa calligraphy for Shunryu Suzuki
















Kazuaki Tanahashi makes an enso










David Schneider - ink on paper with seal above

gold foil print from original calligraph below



Vern Olson calligraphy for Shunryu Suzuki's last message


the famous MU




The word of the year in 2012 in Japan was kizuna meaning bond as in they bonded together and helped each other when disaster, the tsunami, struck.




Door to Taigen's zendo

Taigen's cuke page - with link to his Chicago group site







Buddhist Peace Fellowship


Reuven be Yuhmin















Leo's Buddha










Two cuke slogans




Thanks to Brian Howlett for the art



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