
Papers in Japanese

Handwritten Shunryu Suzuki (SR) - pretty sure - in Japanese - not sure if name of files 1 through 7 printed below are accurate description of contents - dc

1 - SFZC articles of incorporation?

2 - on back of event program

3 - events schedule

4 - letter ZC name

5 - programs

6 - sesshin schedule

7 - Yamada draft letter

8 - from early appointment book [Whole book here]

9 - various writing in Japanese on Sokoji stationary

10 - note with Suzuki and Richard Baker written in it


Genichi Amano was like Shunryu Suzuki's godfather at Rinsoin, head of danka, congregation. He visited with Suzuki shortly before Suzuki's death.


Amano's notes for his talk at Suzuki's Taisanshiki (retirement from Rinsoin?) - JP


Excerpt concerning Shunryu Suzuki from Yuki Ishimatsu book - JP

Japanese letter to DC - too hard for me to read now

Fred Harriman (translator extraordinaire) translates three letters from DC to Japanese contacts.

letter one

letter two

letter three

When I wrote letters in Japanese they were more like on a 2nd grade level. Thanks Fred. - dc

Hoitsu Suzuki letter of 97 - and Eng

Yamada Masaji letter about Shunryu Suzuki

Japanese newspaper review of Crooked Cucumber - wonder what paper

Mitsu Suzuki letter to DC - JP - with translation in Group E

Mitsu Suzuki card to DC

Kato Taro letter - He's the guy who at the age of 12 or so accompanied Suzuki to Manchuria in 1945.

this poorly scanned (by DC) collection of memorial envelopes

this official looking calligraphed document to ZC from Eiheiji August 9, 1969 (Showa 44).

letter from Mitsu Suzuki on To Shine One Corner of the World (Zen Is Right Here

Flyer from Shoganji, the temple where Shunryu Suzuki was born. Note on it says Butsumon Sogaku died November 22nd, Showa 8 (1933) - a note I took while in the founder's hall with the markers of past priests. Added this date to Suzuki chronology.

nothing - think this is just a piece of scrap paper, a fax to Hoitsu that I took a note on - dc

Any help in identifying any of this appreciated. - dc

Thanks to Warren Lynn for scanning